Last Friday, the Treasurer registered a legislative instrument bringing into effect the change that would see staff employed by 1 July 2020 now eligible for JobKeeper, an extension from the previous 1 March 2020 date.
The amendments apply from 3 August, the start of JobKeeper fortnight 10 and employers will have until the 31 August 2020 to meet the wage condition (ensuring all eligible staff are paid $1,500 per fortnight minimum).
Because of the one in all in nature of Jobkeeper, any full-time or part-time employee hired between 2 March and 1 July 2020 who meet the age and residency requirements, or casuals who also meet the 12-month condition to be a long-term casual employee, will need to be provided with a nomination notice before the 21 August 2020.
Changes to the JobKeeper rules also allow individuals who have nominated as an eligible employee or eligible business participant with one entity to re-nominate as an eligible employee of another entity in limited circumstances. To re-nominate, the individual must have ceased their employment or business participation with the first entity before 1 July 2020, and commenced their employment with the new entity by 1 July 2020.
If you require any assistance with nomination of newly eligible employees, please contact our office, we are here to help. Depending on your circumstances charges may apply.
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