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Covid-19 Update – Queensland State Govt Assistance

Covid-19 Update – Queensland State Govt Assistance



The Queensland State Government announced COVID-19 support packages on Tuesday 17 March to support local businesses affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.


Queensland COVID-19 jobs support Loans:

To keep businesses operating and employees in work, there will be a $500 million concessional loan facility available through the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority.

The loan facility will comprise of low interest loans of up to $250,000 and will be interest free for an initial 12 month period.

You can register your interest with QRIDA here and they will contact you when the scheme is open to applications.


Payroll Tax relief:

You can defer lodging and paying your payroll tax until after 31 July 2020. Originally only for small and medium businesses, this relief has been extended to all businesses.

The new due date is 3 August 2020 for monthly returns starting February 2020 through to May 2020, quarterly returns covering January to March 2020, and 2020 annual returns.

You can continue to lodge your returns so that you can keep track of what will be due for payment, or you can continue to lodge and pay your returns as usual. If you do opt to defer your returns, you can resume at any stage during the relief period.


Support for small and medium business:

The mentoring for growth program currently has 50 mentors ready to connect with impacted small businesses. They are available to provide tailored support including financial mentoring and business planning.

Small businesses can also access a series of workshops to learn about financial management and business planning. Delivered by TAFE QLD, workshops will provide practical tools and skills to build business resilience. It also provides the opportunity for networking with other small businesses facing similar issues.

For locations and to register your interest contact 1300 654 687 or email


Under the Immediate Industry Recovery Package, there are a number of support options for Queensland agriculture, food and fishing exporters and their critical supply chain partners. These include:

Tourism operators and hospitality providers:

Fees and charges relief for tourism operators and hospitality providers include:

  • From 1 February 2020 to 31 July 2020 Liquor licensees will have fees waived for applications to change trading hours and to temporarily or permanently change a licensed area.
  • Renewal fees for Queensland registered inbound tour operators that fall between 1 February 2020 and 31 July 2020 will be waived for 12 months.
  • Tourism operators working in Queensland Parks and Wildlife Serviced-managed areas will have daily fees based on visitor numbers waived for activated conducted between 1 February 220 and 31 July 2020
  • Rebates on Marina Charges and Passenger Levies
  • If you hold a lease for tourism purposes and receive rental invoices, you can apply for a land rent deferral. If approved, rental invoices between 1 February 2020 and 31 July 2020 will instead be payable by 1 January 2021 with no penalty interest accruing. In addition, if you have already paid rent for the first quarter of 2020, you will receive a refund.


Support for fisheries:

There will be market diversification and resilience grants available to support activities including but not limited to, evaluation studies, market visits, training, new processing equipment and boat modifications to meet new market requirements.

The catch area for tropical rock lobster will be extended for three months, and fishing boat licence fees and quota fees for tropical rock lobster and coral trout will be temporarily waived.


Support for Exporters:

The $1.1 million “market ready” initiative will provide tailored export advice to small and medium entities on leveraging opportunities in the Chinese online market as well as supporting brand development with market intelligence and expert advice for entering new markets.



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