“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw
Good communication is vital in building and maintaining strong relationships across all levels of an organisation. Solid and clear lines of communication provide purpose, eliminates confusion, builds positive culture and creates accountability.
Strong communication is inherent within business. Here are five reasons why:
Team Building
Team Building is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within team, often involving collaborative tasks. Effective team building is the foundation to increased output.
Everyone Has a Voice
Well established communication channels gives everyone, not matter their station, the ability to communication with those around them. Workplace satisfaction can rely heavily on being afforded a voice that is heard.
An environment that is free from fear of ridicule or retribution creates a space that enable individuals to freely bring their ideas to the table.
Strong communication ensures that the message you are delivering is consistent. Any growth relies on strong communication to ensure all parties share the same vision.
Strong Management
Task delegation, conflict management, motivation and relationship building are all much easier with solid communication. A strong communicator is the one who has the ability to empower people to speak to each other.
So what are some key areas organisations can improve between their teams?
- Define goals and expectations: Does everyone know where you are going and how you are getting there?
- Clear Delivery of your message: Is your message clear and easily accessible to all?
- Choose your medium carefully: Face to face is great for building trust but do we really need another meeting?
- Keep everyone involved: Actively seek and encourage progress reports.
- Listen and show empathy: No man is an island. Communication is a two way street.
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