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Business Basics Grants – new round in May

Business Basics Grants – new round in May

Round 3 of the Business Basics grants will open at 9am, 4 May 2022. There is no closing date for this round, applications will cease once sufficient applications have been received for competitive assessment.  Note: Round 3 has 2 streams dedicated to businesses based in South East Queensland (SEQ) and regional Queensland – the streams may close at different times.

Each round of the Business Basics grants program has specific information to help you prepare and apply for a grant, and if successful, manage your grant.

The Business Basics grants program provides support to businesses to increase core skills and adopt best practice.

This support includes funded activities in 5 priorities:

  1. Training and coaching
  2. Website build or upgrades
  3. Professional business advice
  4. Strategic marketing services
  5. Business continuity and succession.

The program is administered by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT).

For details of eligibility criteria and eligible activities visit Business Basics Grants Program | Business Queensland

Call our office on 07 3263 7030 for more information or advice specific to your individual circumstances.


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